sâmbătă, 30 martie 2013

Mikhailovsky Ballet London


Friday night I've been with my friend Roxana to the russian ballet here in London. It was absolutely amazing. I can only describe it like being peaceful and beautiful.

Russian ballet is very famous all over the world and there is a good reason behind it. It's a pleasure to see their performance and their love for what they are doing.

I loved it !



Vineri seara am fost cu prietena mea Roxana la un balet rusesc aici, in Londra.
A fost de-a dreptul minunat. Nu-l pot descrie decat ca fiind de o frumusete incredibil de linistitoare. Felul in care si-au expus sentimentele prin dans a fost superb. Este o adevarata placere sa urmaresti performanta si dragostea lor pentru ceea ce fac.


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