vineri, 15 februarie 2013

Looks like is gonna rain.


I've been today for a nice, lazy lunch, hosted by my good friend Seema Puri. After the excitement of a really fun, buzzing, big indian wedding, this was a nice change. I will be posting pictures from the wedding very soon.
Today I've been to a festival in Delhi, called Surajkund Mela ( Surajkund Mela is a anual festival). Companies from all over the country came together to promote and sell indian handicrafts. One hour after I reached, the rain came down heavily. I must admit that it was a very nice experience .



Am fost astazi la un pranz organizat de buna mea prietena Seema Puri. Dupa o perioada de absenta, tin sa mentionez ca a fost un bun venit pranz, bazat pe relazare. S-a incheiat nunta la care am participat intens, pe data de 12 feb. O sa revin cu poze legate de nunta in curand.
Am fost astazi la festivalul din Delhi, numit : Surajkund Mela. Oameni din toate colturile tarii s-au adunat pentru a promova si vinde handicrafts. A fost tare frumos.


Astazi la pranz, Oberoi New Delhi.
Today at the lunch , Oberoi New delhi.
Astazi la pranz, Oberoi New Delhi.
Today at the lunch , Oberoi New delhi.

Aceastea este o statuie a zeitei indiene Durga. *mai multe aici
This is the statue of the indian goddess Durga. *more about it  here
Acest festival a fost fara doar si poate plin de culoare.
This festival was full of colour and life.

Indian handicrafts.

Indian handicrafts.

Toata lumea era foarte incantata de intregul festival.
Everyone was very excited about the whole festival.

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